You can change your custom domain for your website anytime. Though we recommend you do so infrequently because it takes time to rebuild your brand, appear in search engines, and for your audience to learn your new domain.
Changing Your Domain
The process to change your domain is simple. First you will add your new domain to your website.
Start by going to Select your website and select Domains at the top of the of the page. Here you will see your current free Universe subdomain as well as any custom domains already attached to your website.
Next on the blue banner, tap Add. This will take you through the flow to add a new domain to your website. Search for the new domain you would like to add and tap the price to purchase.
After you have selected and paid for your new domain. You will see your new domain appear in the domains list for your website. Do not worry if it shows pending at first. It can take up to a couple hours for domains to register, provision, and propagate. Though typically domains are live in just a few minutes.
At this point your new domain is working for your website. Your old domain will also continue to work until the subscription expires.
Protect Your Brand
Universe supports websites with multiple domains. It is possible to keep your original domain active to ensure customers can always find your website. Keeping both domains active will ensure all your old links continue to work. This is perfect for ensuring no one uses your old domain to steal your customers or tarnish your brand.
If you would like to release your old domain back to the market. Contact customer support and we will help you remove it and turn off auto renew for your original subscription.