If you have a legal business entity or are planning on setting one up you should choose business.
Apply for an EIN online at irs.gov
If you are setting up the Sell Block as a business, you will be required to enter an EIN Number (Tax ID). If you do not have an EIN Number (Tax ID), sign up as an Individual.
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number. This number is universally used to identify a business entity with the government. Businesses generally need an EIN to legally operate and sell. To sell as a business on Universe, you are required to provide your EIN as well as other measures of verification to receive your payouts from items sold.
How do I get an EIN?
You can easily apply for an Employer Identification Number online using the IRS official site. Apply online here.
What do I do after I get my EIN?
After you've obtained an EIN, it is time to add it to your Universe account so you can begin or continue selling using the Sell Block. When you're selling as a business, you're also required to input more levels of identity verification.
If you're a new business selling on Universe:
Input your EIN number on the Sell Block sign up page. You'll also be required to add your industry type, date of birth, business address, phone number, last four digits of your SSN, and a photo of your driver's license. All of this information is required to prevent fraud and protect your account. We do not store any of this information, and it is securely sent for verification at Stripe.
If you're an existing business selling on Universe:
You will be required to provide updated information before you can resume cashing out. You will see an alert on the Home tab of the Dashboard, as well as on the Payments section of the Audience tab.
By tapping on Verify Account, you will be taken to the account information page where you can securely update your business information and resume selling.
ℹ️ Note: Commerce Tools require a subscription to a paid plan. Click here to learn more about upgrading.
🌟 If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us in-app, or by emailing help@onuniverse.com
🌟 Please note that to change your account type after creation, you'll need to reach out to our support team