Use a promo code for Universe Pro when upgrading on the web
If you received a promo code for Universe Pro, you're able to apply this code to your Universe subscription using the Web Editor billing system. To get started, login to the Web Editor subscribe page found here.
Once you're logged into your account, you're going to be redirected to the site selection page. From here, you are able to select the site that you wish the upgrade to Universe Pro
After clicking on the desired site, you're now able to checkout. All of our web subscriptions are securely managed through Stripe. You are able to checkout using Apple Pay (if your device supports it) or by credit/debit card.
You're able to apply your promo code using the Have a Promo Code? button located above the checkout section. If you've entered a successful promotion code, the Universe Pro pricing differences will be reflected on the screen.
🌟 If you have any questions, please reach out to the Support Team in the app or at