Make your site scroll!
You can add or remove rows anywhere on a page right from the grid! The more rows a page has, the more content it'll display on the web!
There are currently three different ways you can add rows to your site.
To add a row at the top of your site:
- Simply scroll downwards near the top and a new row will appear.
To add rows anywhere on your page:
- Tap an existing block and then select "Add Row" in the menu that appears
- This will add a row above the selected block
- If you're running Universe on a macOS device, you can double click to insert a row anywhere on a page
To add rows at the bottom of your page:
- Similar to adding row at the top of a page, you can scroll upwards to create new rows at the bottom of a page.
To add more content from a Mac:
All of the methods mentioned above still work on the macOS app. Alongside the options provided, you may also double click your mouse or trackpad to create a new row anywhere on the page.
- Click your mouse/trackpad with two fingers to present the right click menu on the Grid Editor
- From here, tap the option to create a new row on the site
⭐️ Don't forget to publish your changes when you're all done!