We secure your site with TLS & SSL, and never sell or harvest your data.
Univer.se is secure not only on the front end, but also the backend. Whenever you or someone visits your site, it is secured with SSL. All sites are secured with SSL (free and Pro) at no additional cost to you (the user). SSL is what allows us to securely accept payments with the Sell Block and prevent content on a website from changing between the server and the viewers device.
Not only are our sites secure, but also the content on them. The Subscribe Block for example travels over SSL to ensure the email you entered is defended from sniffers on public wifi.
On the payment side of things, our app subscriptions are managed through Apple, therefore they are very secure.
With the Sell Block, we use the SSL and security of Stripe to make sure that each payment gets processed without anyone getting in the middle of it. The key is that we use SSL everywhere. App to server, server to website, visitor to website, website to server.
We have several bot and DDOS protections across the network. Using industry standards, we block a thousands of malicious requests to our users websites because they are bots or bad actors on blacklists.
If you ever have any questions about the security of Univer.se and/or our services, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.